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Stay focused on the big picture and ditch guesswork for daily success

Transform data into insights with targets, efforts and executable plan

Simplify your workflow,
Connect your tools and avoid manual data hassle

Manually compiling data from all your sales, marketing and operation channels takes hours, and your reports are full of errors. Get detailed, accurate, auto-generated insights.

Easily connect to dozens of integrations and say goodbye to juggling between countless tools.

Customize your data compilation and mapping with Wideview's intuitive modules to fit your needs.

Align your team with effortless planning and data-driven automations

Streamline your planning process with our innovative tool. Using your historical data, we generate a customized plan that aligns with your business structure. All you have to do is modify and monitor as needed – no more tedious manual planning, get a clear vision of your organization and make strategic decisions with ease.

See where your efforts
are paying off and adjust your strategy

Transform your siloed dashboards into a comprehensive business management platform, enabling your entire team to work towards common targets, plans, and goals. With Wideview, you will be able to measure the efforts of your team and focus on what moves the needle, resulting in a more accountability, efficiency and effectiveness to your business.

Learn more

Say goodbye to siloed departments and hello to business collaboration

Stay focused on the big picture,
navigate data and ditch guesswork for daily success

Real time unified P&L view

Stay on top of your business with real-time, fully customisable P&L updates from all your sales channels. Our platform allows you to track all your expenses and revenue streams effortlessly. Don't miss a beat - get the insights you need to make informed decisions and grow your business!

Uncover actionable channel-specific data

Get a full view of your supply chain, including inventory management, POs, and delivery statuses. Know exactly where your goods are, what your full operation costs are, and what you should do next.

Map & Plan your entire marketing strategy

Track all your marketing costs in a single view, maximize impact by analyzing campaigns and creatives performance easily.

Make smarter business decisions based on your data & targets

Top-Down Approach
Get a clear view of your business from the top-down and uncover what's driving efficiency. Dig deep and discover the truth about what's really going on.
Realtime Insights
Boost accuracy by staying in-the-know about factors that can make or break your aim. Get notified of significant events, where and when they happen, then make informed decisions that drive success.
Make smart actions, together
Stay on top of your team's progress and see how it's impacting the biz. Stay in the loop about what your squad is working on and plan together, with shared targets and goals.

Transform the way you handle your data, transform the way you do business.

Join the data-business management revolution
Get Started
Give us a free call : 995-265-656
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